PCIT Experts will help you thrive with treatment that really works.

Access Gold Standard online PCIT in your own home and transform your child’s behavior!

We can help you in 30 states/territories!


 “It’s like magic!”

— Parent of a three-year-old


What Thriving looks like:

For Your Child

  • Positive behaviors increase

For Your Family

  • Everyone gets along better

For You

  • Confidence in your parenting


What makes PCIT special?

PCIT was developed almost 50 years ago and has been widely researched since that time both nationally and internationally with thousands of families. The results are overwhelming: PCIT helps parents and caregivers manage difficult behaviors as long as parents are consistent with PCIT principles.

PCIT works quickly!

Families usually complete PCIT within 16 sessions!
Some families see results right away.

PCIT can be tailored to meet your family’s specific needs.


PCIT in your home.

Internet-Based PCIT can take place in your home, in your environment, where it is most helpful to you!